
I’m Taylor.

My story

Hello, I am Taylor Starkey! I am an artist from Columbia City, Indiana. I find inspiration everywhere, but mostly from Midwest florals and landscapes around me. (Get it FIELD and FLORAL!) I think one of my biggest goals as an artists is to help people notice the beauty around them through my eyes.

I play many roles in life. Artist plays a role alongside mother, wife, and full time teacher to name a few. You’ll see a lot of different mediums and styles in my work and I contribute that to my art teaching career. I have to be versatile in the classroom to appeal to different interests and expand my student’s knowledge when it comes to art. Naturally that spills over into my own art making practice!

I’m glad you are here and I would love to learn about you. Make sure to find my contact page to leave me a message and follow my socials.